Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Endless Sucking - Olivia

Olivia sucks her thumb while going to sleep, while sleeping, while watching tv, while playing...basically all the time. She's 2 years old now and we need to put an end to all this sucking. I stated by putting one of Darin's sock over her thumb. It seemed to work but she hated it. You'll be able to see in the photos below that she tried to suck her thumb with the sock on and she tried to bite the sock off. I need some new ideas please! This is going to take a lot of patience!

1 comment:

  1. My Dana was a thumb addict as well. But I was advised to leave her alone until she wanted to stop on her own. These children find their security in their thumbs much like others have a blankie or a stuffed animal. This is necessary for them and they probably did it in utero. Dana finally quit at age 8 when we promised her a kitten if she first quit for at least one month, and she came through. However, be prepared for braces!
